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About Us
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What we do
  • Understanding customer needs
  • Off market research 
  • Identification of suitable Properties
  • Cold outreach to property owners
  • Arranging and conducting initial viewings
  • Shortlisting suitable properties for client consideration
The process

We meet with you, the client, and get specifics around what you are looking for in a property.

We go away and conduct research into properties that meet the aforementioned criteria

We come back to you with an estimate of the number of properties that we can target on your behalf

You confirm how many of the properties you would like contacted initially

You make payment

We begin outreach

We are in constant contact as to any responses, and we send across profiles of all properties that have had their owners approached

You can add more outreach credit as required if there have been no progressions with those contacted thus far

As and when there are responses from potential sellers, we can consult with you around viewing – as to whether you wish us to conduct initially, or to pass straight to you

Once you settle on a property to purchase, we can arrange an estate agent, solicitors, mortgages and pretty much anything else, as required